Tuesday 5 March 2013

Rich Fruit Cake

3 ¾ - 4 lbs mixed fruits (wash if necessary and dry in sun. Then chop a little. Dredge with some flour before using. Flour is to be taken from amount specified for cake):
  • 1 lb raisins
  • ¾ pound sultanas
  • 1 lb currants
  • ¼ lb preserved ginger
  • ½ lb candied orange and lemon peel
  • ¼ lb candied cherries
  • ¼ lb dried figs
¾ lb butter
½ lb sugar
1 lb flour
12 eggs, separated
2 teaspoons pounded cinnamon
4-5 dessertspoons treacle
¼ cup grape juice or dark wine
2 Tablespoons brandy

Cream butter, add sugar gradually. Separate yolks from whites of eggs, and beat yolks till lemon coloured.  Add to butter and sugar, then add treacle and pounded cinnamon.

Beat white until stiff and add to mixture. Add flour, except enough to dredge mixed fruits. Add grape juice and then fruits, a little at a time, mixing well. Last of all, add brandy.

Fill tins which has been lined with greased brown paper and bake in slow oven for 3-4 hours, depending on size of tins.
(Recipe will make about 7 lbs)