- 3 oz flour
- 3 oz corn flour or custard powder
- 1 ½ level teaspoon baking powder
- 4 oz sugar
- 4 oz butter or margarine
- 3 eggs
- A little milk
- Sift flour, corn flour and baking powder.
- Cream butter and sugar.
- Ad eggs, one by one, and beat well.
- Add flour etc., gradually, and if necessary, a little milk, to make a creamy mixture.
- Half fill greased bun tins.
- Bake 15-20 minutes in moderate oven.
- When cool, cut out centres with a small pastry cutter or a knife 2/3 of the way down. Fill the hollow with jam or cream, or both. Then put cut out piece on top and sprinkle with icing sugar.