Friday 8 March 2013


Serves 16-18 people

  • 8 katis bamboo shoot (boiled for 3-4 hours the day before popiah is made) – Optional
  • 8 KG yam beams (bangkwang)
  • 5 carrots – peeled and shredded (SK edit)
  • 2 packets French beans sliced at an angle, 1 inch long (SK edit)
  • 2 ½ katis prawns – cleaned and chopped. ½ kati prawns to be set aside for decorations.
  • 1    kati pork (belly) boiled and shredded. ¼ kati to be set aside for decorations
  • 10 pieces yellow taukwa shredded fine and fried till golden brown – 1 teacup to be set aside for decorations
  • 4-5 teacups prawn stock and pork stock (boil prawn heads and pork belly for stock)

Ingredients to be pounded:
20 cloves garlic (some for frying, some for assembling popiah)
2 dessertspoons tauchew (optional)

1 teacup oil

Shred bangkwang and carrots.

Put oil in pan and when hot fry pounded garlic till golden brown. Add chopped prowns and when cooked add shredded pork. (Mama will add a bit of sugar when frying pork). Cook for about 10 minutes. Stir well, adding salt and some prawn and pork stock. Put lid on pan and allow to simmer for an hour.

Separately fry the carrots and French beans till cooked (SK edit).

Add shredded bangkwang, carrots and French beans and more stock. Simmer for another hour. Add the fried shredded taukwa. Allow to simmer until most of the liquid has been absorbed.

(Mama’s method is to fry everything separately in a wok, then combine in a large wok and keep adding stock and stir frying until cooked).

A little of each to be arranged into two plates:
  • ½ kati chopped prawns (set aside from filling)
  • ¼ kati shredded boiled pork (set aside from filling)
  • 1 teacupful fried shredded taukwa (set aside from filling)
  • 2 eggs made into omelet and shredded
  • One teacup crab meat – fried a little with salt & pepper
  • ½ cup pounded garlic – fried golden brown (to prevent garlic sticking together during frying, wash and drain pounded garlic before frying

  • ¼ kati lettuce (center stems to be removed)
  • Shredded cucumber (after removing skin from 2 cucumbers, slice off the part outside center pulp and shred)
  • ½ kati bean sprouts, cleaned and scalded
  • Four bundles of coriander leaves (small) and leaves from a few sprigs of the larger type
  • Other ingredients:
  • 1 ½ kati (1 KG) large popiah skin (from shop)
  • 1 ¼ kati (bee chio) sweet soya sauce from shop
  • 30-40 fresh red chillies freshly ground

Egg Skin (to make 12 skins)
  • 6 eggs
  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 ¼ cups water
  • A little salt

Put flour in basin, beat in eggs, one by one. Then add water, a little at a time. Add salt. Beat till smooth.

Heat frying pan, brush with oil and pour enough batter to cover pan. When cooked, edges will curl and begin to leave pan. Turn skins on to the pack of a bread plate which has been placed on a meat plate, face to face.